
Financial Performance Management (FPM)

What is Financial Performance Management ?

Managing your financial performance means being able to ensure the effective translation of the strategy into operational actions by making good use of the financial resources of the company to achieve the valued objectives. At Synchrotech, from data consolidation to budget forecasting, including financial analysis, supplying cash flow reports or calculating key indicators, we help you control and optimize the management of your business. Together, we establish benchmark and performance indicators based on your activities and your strategy to enable efficient management.

To do all this, we help you:

  • Control your business performance indicators
  • Determine your analytical chart of accounts
  • Implement and industrialize your management tools and your reporting management
  • Automate and make your cash reporting reliable
  • Design and deploy a provisional budget
  • Consolidate and standardize the overall results of your entities

You want to improve the management of your financial performance and start an FPM project, our teams are available to support you. You can contact us via email on : or by filling this form.