All our activities
Automating classification with artificial intelligence (AI)
A recent example is automatic data classification. This involves developing algorithms capable of sorting and organizing large volumes of data according to certain criteria.
Synchrotech annonce son nouveau partenariat avec Tableau
Synchrotech enrichit à nouveau son expertise data et analytique et accompagne toujours plus ses clients dans la mise en œuvre de leurs solutions analytiques au travers un nouveau partenariat avec Tableau.
Event : Synchrotech participe à l’édition virtuelle du salon LEC les 15,16 et 17 juin prochains
Du 15 au 17 juin prochain, Synchrotech aura eu le plaisir de participer à l'édition virtuelle du salon LEC. durant lequel nous tiendrons deux conférences que vous pouvez découvrir dans cet articles.
Video : Un an après : quelles évolutions digitales pour les PME ?
Le 25 mai prochain, en direct sur Youtube, de 12h15 à 13h15, notre CEO Gilles Fiorio aura plaisir de participer à une table ronde digitale organisée par le spécialiste de l'Innovation en Valais "Innovibes".
Découvrez Oracle Analytics Server
Oracle Analytics Server (OAS), lancée en Février 2020 pour Linux, est la dernière version d’Oracle qui remplace Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE), découvrez dans cet article toutes les nouveautés de cette version.
Connect your on-premise environment to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse
Discover how to connect your on-premise environment to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) !
Webinar : How to be more resilient by automating your Corporate activities ?
The business community is dealing with an unprecedented situation, especially considering the change was so sudden and prevented smooth adaptation. For that reason, companies need to ensure that standard corporate activities – the ‘business as usual’ functions like HR, IT, Finance, Sales or Supply Chain Management – are kept on track.
Vidéo : Quel héritage digital pour les PME valaisannes dans l’après Covid-19 ?
Le 5 juin prochain, en direct sur Teams, de 12h30 à 13h15, notre CEO Gilles Fiorio aura plaisir de participer à une table ronde digitale organisée par le spécialiste de l'Innovation en Valais "Innovibes".
10 Success factors to become an effective Process Organization
If you think, you could benefit from digitalization (digital transformation), make sure that you become effective before you try to be more efficient. It is very tough to walk your talk sometimes, but we would have never thought that these efforts could be so much rewarding. Sharing the experiences of our own transformation should encourage you to start your own journey – maybe with us as your guide through thick and thin.
December Newsletter
At this time of the year, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and to all our friends and customers, we seize the opportunity of our newsletter to let your know that we value our relationship and thank those who have helped to shape our business. We are looking forward to work with you in the year to come. All Synchrotech staff also want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Have a very happy, Healthy and Prosperous year 2020 !
Synchrotech announce its new strategic partnership with the company FireStart.
We are pleased to announce Synchrotech is partnering with FireStart to help our customers to optimize their processes. FireStart provides professional process planning, intelligent workflow automation, and profound process analytics in one unified tool.
Synchrotech backed challenger wins UBS Prix Sommet 2019
Ce défi, animé par l’UBS Valais, récompense une PME qui s’est engagée à réinventer son business dans un secteur d’activité en rupture de modèle à la suite d’évolutions réglementaires, de contraintes économiques ou de transformations des comportements d’achats nourries d’innovations.
Swiss made Cloud offers are evolving
Cloud leaders like AWS, Microsoft, Oracle or Google have a clear strategy: they want to place their services SaaS, PaaS, IaaS instead of their own on-premise solutions.
Rollomatic improves its performance thanks to Analytics
With real customer challenges and a strong motivation for improvement you will discover how analytics can help to drive the change within departements.
Innovation – Let´s turn it into a production process
How a disruptive and structured approach to innovation helps you to create business potentials repetitively and on a very high-quality level – instead of continuing creative experimental workshops.
Business Operations – Adopting new paradigms will transform your results
A whole new management model unleashes enormous potential to increase your company´s competitiveness – if you look at your business and your people differently!
Feedback regarding the connected event – 9th of April, 2019
Synchrotech was at the connected event (ex SITB) on April 9th and 10th, 2019 where we had the chance to hold two conferences: one on the operational excellence and the other on Artificial Intelligence.
Using rear view mirrors when driving at high speed through the mist!
Predicting tomorrows business, Business Analytics and Business Intelligence are only as reliable as the data they´re based upon! Just make sure that you get what you want!
The 4th Industrial Revolution – 4 or 5 is not a problem here!
The 4th Industrial Revolution – 4 or 5 is not a problem here! Digitalization creates Data – enormous amount of data – for you. What if your data was wrong?
Oracle Partner of the Year FY19 – 7th of Novembre, 2018
Once again this year Oracle has acknowledged our strong commitment and performance by rewarding us with the Partner Of The Year Award.
La Vaudoise Hackathon – 11th of October, 2018
In October 2018 we were invited to participate in the 3rd annual Hackathon of the swiss insurance La Vaudoise in Lausanne.
Meetup Analytics – 20 September 2018
Second meetup is scheduled for Thursday 20 September at Geneva and 3 topics will be shared with you. Graph Databases and Graph Analytics: the new weapon of Business Analytics, Oracle Analytics Cloud New Features and Machine Learning Alleviates ‘Blank Canvas’ Syndrome.
HES SO Valais increased their efficiency in decision making.
Synchrotech and HES SO Valais successfully launched a new standard operating procedure (SOP) for decision making based on Oracle Cloud.